Indonesia Vacancy - PT ASURANSI SINAR MAS Memberikan Kamu Kesempatan Untuk Bergabung dan Memiliki Career, Sebagai Kepala Bengkel Body Repair

Thursday, February 24, 2011 0 comments

PT ASURANSI SINAR MAS menawarkan kamu sebuah kesempatan untuk dapat memiliki Career, sebagai: 

Kepala Bengkel Body Repair

  • Min D3 / S1 all jurusan
  • Memiliki pengalaman kerja min 2 thn sebagai kepala bengkel di bidang body repair kendaraan bermotor
  • Hard Worker, Jujur, Kreatif, dan Mampu Bekerja di Bawah Tekanan.

Kamu berminat dan berkeinginan untuk apply this Indonesia Vacancy (Lowongan Kerja Indonesia) ini? Silahkan kirimkan CV + foto terbaru ke email:

Myths About Public-Sector Employment


I’ve been thinking about public-sector employment for several reasons. Right now I’m working on a book to be titled 150 Best Federal Jobs. And in Wisconsin, New Jersey, Ohio, and many other states, governors are making noises about their states’ obligations to public-sector employees. So this is a good time to dispel some myths about work in the public sector.

One myth is that public-sector employment is increasing. This myth fits nicely into a broader narrative of creeping socialism. For example, last week, Speaker Boehner asserted that President Obama has added 200,000 federal workers since he took office. However, the facts don’t bear out such claims. The FedScope database of the Office of Personnel Management (a goldmine of data about federal jobs and an important source for my current project) reports a total of 107,057 nonpostal jobs added in fiscal years 2009 and 2010. Even with the addition of postal jobs, that’s well short of 200,000. Evidently the Speaker’s aides were also counting temporary Census jobs, so the Speaker was talking about cutting some federal jobs that actually are already gone.

The other factor to bear in mind is that the overall number of jobs increases as the population increases (except during recessions), so what counts is not the total number of government workers, but rather their fraction of the nation’s population. The Office of Management and Budget projects (PDF) that the fraction representing federal employment will decline slightly, continuing the trend of several decades. The OMB report notes, “In 1953, there was one federal worker for every 78 residents. In 1989, there was one federal employee for every 110 residents. By 2009, the ratio had dropped to one federal employee for every 147 residents.”

Another myth that is particularly current right now claims that public-sector workers earn more. The is true only if you look at all public-sector and all private-sector workers. But the two workforces are not comparable. For example, only about half as many federal workers are on part-time schedules as those in the private sector. On average, federal workers are also older and better educated. Most important, public-sector employees tend to work in higher-skilled occupations than private-sector workers. Think of all the fast-food workers, groundskeepers, home health aides, and other low-skill workers in the private sector. Some of these jobs do get done in government-run facilities (for example, the cafeteria in the state house), but these positions are few compared to those in the private sector, and the trend is toward contracting this work out to private businesses.

One interesting study by the Economic Policy Institute (PDF) focused on state and local government employees, who are receiving special attention in these times of drastic budget shortfalls. The study used data from the Current Population Survey to match comparable workers in public-sector and private-sector jobs. The researchers found that low-skill workers do have an advantage in jobs for state and local government, probably because they are more likely to be unionized than in the private sector. When total compensation (including pensions and other benefits) are quantified, “High school graduates received total compensation of $53,880 on average working for state and local government compared to $50,596 for workers employed by private employers, a public employment compensation premium of 6%.” However, more-educated workers actually pay a penalty in total compensation for taking a job with state or local government: 25% for those with bachelor’s, 31% for a master’s, 21% for a doctorate, and 37% for a professional degree.

Let’s not forget that many of the statements we read in the newspapers about public-sector employees are motivated by politics rather than by economics. Wisconsin is a perfect example of this. If the governor were concerned only with dollars and cents, why did he target only the public-sector workers who opposed him politically (the teacher union) and not the public-sector workers who supported him (the state police union and one powerful firefighter union)?

One advantage that public-sector workers definitely have, on average, over private-sector workers is job security. Some of this result from the higher unionization rate of public-sector workers. Some results from civil service regulations that are designed to prevent government workers from being favored or targeted for their political loyalties. And some results from the inertia of public-sector positions; private-sector businesses are more nimble at both creating and terminating jobs.

Indonesia Vacancy - PT SANYO SALES INDONESIA Menawarkan Kamu Untuk Memiliki Career Sebagai Tax Accounting Staff

Wednesday, February 23, 2011 0 comments

PT SANYO SALES INDONESIA adalah sebuah perusahaan Trading yang berlokasi didaerah Sunter. Saat ini, PT SANYO SALES INDONESIA Menawarkan Kamu Untuk  Memiliki Career, Sebagai:

Tax Accounting Staff

  • Pendidikan minimal S1 atau sederajat
  • Usia Maksimal 25 tahun
  • Mempunyai pengalaman dibidang pajak minimal 1 tahun
  • Memahami rekonsiliasi pajak PPN, PPh 21, PPh 22 dan PPh 23/26
  • Memahami pelaporan pajak dengan menggunakan E-SPT.
  • Dapat bekerja sesuai dengan deadline.
  • Teliti dan cermat.
  • Aktif dan cekatan.
  • Dapat bekerjasama dalam team.

Bila kamu benar - benar memiliki semua persyaratannya dan yakin mampu menjalani untuk Lowongan Kerja Indonesia (Indonesia Vacancy) ini, maka tolong kirimkan CV + photo terbaru, ke: 
(maksimal 150 kb)

Indonesia Vacancy - ARTE INTERMEDIA, PT is Urgently Needed for Full-Time and Freelancer Employee To Have a Career as COPYWRITER


Arte Intermedia is a multi-disciplinary creative agency who works with Brand Identity, Packaging, Environmental Design, Corporate & Marketing Communication. Located in Kedoya, Jakarta Barat with prominent clients of oil and gas, mining, property, education industries, etc. ARTE INTERMEDIA, PT  is urgently needed  for full-time and freelancer employee to have a Career, as:


Key Responsibilities are:

  • Creating copy for advertising, marketing and corporate communication collaterals
  • Exploring creative ideas and concepts
  • Gaining a deep understanding of the product or service, client's background, target audience, competitor activities in the market
  • Working directly with marketing and design team to deliver accurate and high quality Work from brief, concept through content that are used alongside the visual elements

The Requirements are:
  • Excellent writing skill in both english and bahasa
  • Having experience in handling company profile, annual report, advertising, branding, and other communication materials
  • Able to write good, clear copy in a variety styles with accurate spelling and grammar
  • Excellent team Work, communication and interpersonal skills
  • Accuracy and attention to detail
  • Good research skills
  • Able to Work under pressure and on tightly deadline
  • Ready to join us as soon as possible

If you're really capable for this Indonesia Vacancy, so please send your complete and latest CV + picture, to:

Jl. Agave VI, blok C1 No.20
Taman Kedoya Baru, Jakarta Barat, 11520

For further information, call
ARTE INTERMEDIA, PT at +62 58 300 100 / 200

Job Indonesia - PT Kencana Agung Dinamika Offer You a Career as Accounting


PT Kencana Agung Dinamika  

 Is a company engaged in Fireworks. PT Kencana Agung Dinamika Artha Graha Building is located in the Sudirman. PT Kencana Agung Dinamika is offer you for a Career, as:


The Requirements are:
  • Female
  • Max. 25 years old
  • Graduated min. from D3
  • Fresh Graduate (Lebih Diutamakan)
  • Wanted to Work in team
  • Able to Work with deadlines that have been determined
  • Able to Work in a pressure

For you that want to apply this Job Indonesia, please send you complete CV and latest picture, to:

Job Indonesia - MAGIC HOMESYS, PT (YONG MA CO, LTD) Offers You a Career as General Manager and Marketing Manager

Monday, February 21, 2011 0 comments

MAGIC HOMESYS, PT (YONG MA CO, LTD) was established in 1979 and started business as a kitchen appliance maker. Magic Homesys, PT have strived to advance into overseas markets since the beginning of 1990's and now have grown up as a company specialized in kitchen and home appliances with our global production system and distribution network. MAGIC HOMESYS, PT (YONG MA CO, LTD) offers you a Career, as:

General Manager (GM)/ Sales Manger (SM)

1. Kualifikasi untuk General Manager (GM):
Dibutuhkan Sales Manager untuk Modern Channel (Hypermarket, Electronic Chain, dll)
  • Pendidikan Min S1
  • Punya pengalaman Sales di Modern Channel
  • Berpengalaman min. 10 tahun
  • Memahami proses dan prosedur di modern channel
  • Target oriented
  • Mampu bernegosiasi
  • Penuh inisiatif dan teamwork
  • Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft office
  • Mempunyai SIM
  • Gaji : 10 juta ~ 15 juta (Gross)
Kami hanya akan memproses lamaran yang memenuhi syarat berikut:
  • Menyebutkan Kode Posisi di subject email.
  • Menyebutkan Gaji sekarang dan yang diharapkan (wajib!)
  • Pada interveiw, minta ajukan bukti gaji sekarang
  • Mohon tulis pengalaman kerja secara terperinci dan detail di CV.
  • Mohon jelaskan tugas di perusahaan lain sebagai Sales Manager
(Jelaskan Modern Market mana yg pernah dikuasai)
  • Mohon jelaskan mengenai produk yang sebelumnya pernah di jalankan)
  • Untuk CV dan lamaran mohon di lampirkan di attachment, bukan di badan email.(excel, Ms word, pdf)
  • Jangan gunakan Quick Apply
  • Mohon jelaskan 'pegang Modern Channel mana (misalnya, Carrefour, Hypermart, Best Denki)'
  • Waktu tulis pengalaman kerja, mohon jelaskan pegang Produk apa (jenis business apa)
  • Mohon jelaskan (memperkenalkan) tentang perusahan yang pelamar bekerja sebelumnya.
  • Mohon maaf kami tidak memproses bagi yang tidak memenuhi kualifikasi dan tidak mengikuti keenam aturan tersebut.

Apabila telah memenuhi kriteria Job Indonesia di atas, maka dapat mengirimkan lamaran, CV dengan foto terbaru (dalam 3 bulan terakhir) ke alamat email:

2. Kualifikasi untuk Sales Manager (SM):
Kami cari Karyawan Baru sebagai Marketing Manager dengan berikut ini ;
  • Punya pengalaman Sales di Modern Channel
  • Pendidikan Min S1
  • Berpengalaman min. 7 tahun
  • Memahami proses dan prosedur di modern channel
  • Target oriented
  • Mampu bernegosiasi
  • Penuh inisiatif dan teamwork
  • Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft office
  • Mempunyai SIM
  • Gaji : 6~8 juta (Gross)

Kami hanya akan memproses lamaran yang memenuhi syarat berikut:
  • Menyebutkan Kode Posisi di subject email.
  • Menyebutkan Gaji sekarang dan yang diharapkan (wajib!)
  • Pada interveiw, minta ajukan bukti gaji sekarang
  • Mohon tulis pengalaman kerja secara terperinci dan detail di CV.
  • Mohon jelaskan tugas di perusahaan lain sebagai Marketing Manager
    (Jelaskan Modern Market mana yg pernah dikuasai)
  • Mohon jelaskan mengenai produk yang sebelumnya pernah di jalankan)
  • Untuk CV dan lamaran mohon di lampirkan di attachment, bukan di badan email.(excel, Ms word, pdf)
  • Jangan gunakan Quick Apply
  • Mohon jelaskan 'pegang Modern Channel mana (misalnya, Carrefour, Hypermart, Best Denki)'
  • Waktu tulis pengalamana kerja, mohon jelaskan pegang Produk apa (jenis business apa)
  • mohon jelaskan(memperkenalkan) tentang perusahan yang pelamar bekerja sebelumnya.

Bagi kamu yang memenuhi kriteria Job Indonesia di atas dapat mengirimkan lamaran, CV dengan foto terbaru (dalam 3 bulan terakhir) ke alamat email:

Job Indonesia - Dental Plus Membutuhkan Tenaga Yang Berkompeten Untuk Memiliki Career Sebagai Perawat Administrasi dan Receptionist


DENTAL PLUS adalah Klinik Gigi dan Mulut yang mengutamakan tidak hanya hasil layanan medik tetapi juga service excellence. Seiring dengan pertumbuhan klinik dan komitmen kami untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan, Dental Plus membutuhkan tenaga – tenaga yang berkompeten untuk dilatih dan di tempatkan untuk memiliki Career sebagai berikut:


Fungsi Utama:

Menjadi mitra kerja dokter gigi untuk memberikan layanan medik kepada pasien, menjalankan operasional dan administrasi klinik, dan melakukan kegiatan promosi kesehatan gigi dan mulut di masyarakat sekitar.

  • Wanita
  • Belum menikah
  • Lulusan SLTA / SPRG / Akademi Perawat Gigi
  • Fresh Graduate atau pengalaman kurang dari 5 tahun.
  • Berkomitmen untuk memberikan layanan yang terbaik
  • Berpenampilan rapi
  • Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
  • Cekatan dan gesit dalam pekerjaan
  • Cepat tanggap dalam menerima instruksi


Fungsi Utama:

Memberikan informasi bagi pengunjung, mengatur jadwal kunjung pasien, menerima pasien, mencatat data pribadi pasien melalui komputer, serta mengurus proses administrasi klinik. 

  • Wanita
  • Belum menikah
  • Lulusan SLTA/ SMK / Akademi Sekretaris / Akuntansi
  • Ramah
  • Berpenampilan menarik dan rapi
  • Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
  • Lebih diutamakan berdomisili di sekitar Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat.

Dental Plus menawarkan program dan pengalaman yang berharga dalam pengelolaan klinik. Untuk kandidat yang memenuhi syarat Lowongan Kerja Indonesia ini, silahkan kirimkan surat lamaran, ijazah, pas photo dan CV dengan kode PAK 110221”, ke :

Taman Palem Lestari A3 / 79 Cengkareng
Jakarta Barat 11730

*Untuk kamu yang berminat dan butuhnya posisi lainnya, silahkan klik sini ya: Job Indonesia

Indonesia Vacancy - NUSANTARA GROUP Mencari Kandidat Muda Yang Profesional Untuk Memiliki Career Sebagai Sekretaris


Nusantara Group Adalah Sebuah Perusahaan Bergerak Dibidang Otomotif Yang Telah Berkembang Pesat Di Seluruh Indonesia. Sebagai Perusahaan Otomotif, Nusantara Group Mencari Kandidat Muda Yang Profesional, Tangguh, dan Berjiwa Kepemimpinan Serta Berpengalaman di Bidang Otomotif Roda 4 Untuk Memiliki Career, Sebagai:

Sekretaris (Secretary)

  • Wanita
  • Max 33 thn
  • Pendikan S1
  • Pengalaman dibidang yg sama minimal 2 thn
  • Mengerti system arsip laporan, mengetahui dunia sekretaris.

Job desription
  • Mampu berbahasa English dengan baik,
  • Bekerja dengan teliti,
  • Mampu mengoperasikan MS Office, email dan internet.
  • Mampu mengolah data base perusahaan, mampu membuat korenpondensi dengan baik.

Apabila kamu memang merasa berpotensi untuk Indonesia Vacancy ini dan kamu memiliki keinginan yang tinggi, maka silahkan kirimkan CV+photo terbaru kamu, ke:

Alfian Noor:

Indonesia Vacancy - HEAVEN VIDEO PRODUCTION, PT Membutuhkan Tenaga Muda Yang Professional dan Kreatif Untuk Memiliki Career Sebagai Art Director


Heaven Video Production adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa untuk pembuatan video. Saat ini HEAVEN VIDEO PRODUCTION, PT  sedang membutuhkan tenaga muda yang professional dan kreatif untuk memiliki Career, sebagai:


  • Pria atau wanita
  • Usia max. 35 tahun
  • Pendidikan min. D3
  • Pengalaman dibidangnya
  • Kreatif, jujur, hard Worker dan bertanggung jawab
  • Mampu memimpin dan berkoordinir team untuk mencapai target
  • Menguasai Photoshop, Premiere, dan After Effect
  • Memiliki ketertarikan pada design

Apabila Anda berminat untuk Indonesia Vacancy ini, silahkan kirimkan CV + Lamaran anda ke :
Empire Palace Lt. UG, Heaven Video Production
Jl. Blauran No. 57-75 Surabaya

Indonesia Vacancy - DIMA SATYA PRAMA, PT (RED PIRAMID) Offer You Another Interesting Chance For You To Have a Career as Admin Staff (Adm)

Friday, February 18, 2011 0 comments

DIMA SATYA PRAMA, PT (RED PIRAMID) is one of the fastest growing Human Resource Development consultant specialized in Business Transformation with a focus on Strategic, Organization, HRD and Corporate Culture. Interesting company right, guys? So, DIMA SATYA PRAMA, PT (RED PIRAMID) offer you another interesting chance for you to have a Career, as:

Admin Staff (Adm)

The Requairements are:
  • Male/Female, D3-S1 from reputable university with GPA min. 2.80
  • Below 28 years old, hard Worker, honest
  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Mathematics, Business Studies/ Administration/ Management, Economics, Finance/Accountancy/ Banking, Marketing or equivalent
  • Mastering in Ms Excel is mandatory
  • Min. 1 year of working experience in administration for FMCG company is plus

How about the requairements,guys? Do you have all the requairements? So if you're really have all the requairements for this Indonesia Vacancy,please send your latest and complete CV + picture, to:

Occupations with Many Part-Time Workers


People work part-time for many reasons. Some can’t find a full-time job. Some need a lot of free time for nonwork responsibilities, such as school or care for a dependent child or parent. Some use this work arrangement as a way to try out a career or to break into one; others use it to gradually back out of a career into retirement. Still others combine it with another job (perhaps also part-time) that doesn’t pay enough.

After 2006, the Bureau of Labor Statistics stopped publishing figures about the percentage of part-time workers in each occupation. However, these percentages are unlikely to have changed greatly. That’s why the following table is probably still accurate in its selection of occupations with more than 50 percent part-time workers, based on 2006 figures.

The figures for employment 2008 are for all workers, not just part-timers (but you can do the math with the percentage of part-timers to get a rough idea of how many there are). The figures for projected growth, projected annual job openings, and median annual earnings are also for all workers. Note that part-timers in most occupations earn a lower hourly rate than do full-time workers. The exceptions are a few highly-skilled health-care occupations, in which the part-timers tend to be night-shift workers, who earn a premium.

Dental Hygienists is the obvious winner in terms of both earnings and job growth, and it’s also the one requiring the highest level of skill. The occupations with the highest number of job openings have both a large workforce size and a lot of turnover. Most of these occupations tend to be held by younger workers. In some cases, there are physical demands that young people can more easily meet (e.g., Models or Lifeguards, Ski Patrol, and Other Recreational Protective Service Workers). In other cases, the low pay and low skill requirements make the job attractive to young people with limited work experience and low income needs.

The main exception is Crossing Guards, which attracts many retirees. Municipalities like to hire them partly because they can be trusted with greater responsibility than younger workers. They enjoy the ability to find part-time work within walking distance of home. In addition, their roots in the community allow them to learn about job openings.

[Note: On some browsers, you may have to scroll down a bit to see the table.]

Library Technicians120,56065.0%8.8%6,470$29,570
Hosts and Hostesses,
Restaurant, Lounge,
and Coffee Shop
Crossing Guards69,93062.0%9.4%2,560$23,390
Counter Attendants,
Cafeteria, Food Concession,
and Coffee Shop
Dental Hygienists174,06058.7%36.1%9,840$67,340
Demonstrators and
Product Promoters
Lifeguards, Ski Patrol,
and Other Recreational
Protective Service Workers
Protective Service
Workers, All Other
Library Assistants,
Ushers, Lobby
Attendants, and Ticket
Motion Picture
Dining Room and
Cafeteria Attendants
and Bartender Helpers

Indonesia Vacancy - PT Bank CIMB Niaga, Tbk Mengundang Profesional Muda Untuk Mengembangkan Career dan Memiliki Kemauan Untuk Sukses Menjadi Sebagai Teller


PT Bank CIMB Niaga, Tbk mengundang profesional muda untuk mengembangkan  Career dan memiliki kemauan untuk sukses dengan bergabung menjadi salah satu bagian dari tim di Unit Usaha Mikro Laju sebagai:

Teller (TL)

"Bertanggung jawab terhadap proses transaksi di unit mikro"

Persyaratan khusus:
  • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer terutama MS. Office
  • Memiliki SIM C dan kendaraan roda 2
  • Mampu berkomunikasi secara baik dan benar
  • Memiliki kemampuan menjalin hubungan baik dengan nasabah, dan hard Worker
  • Melakukan penagihan (cash pick up) kepada nasabah
  • Diutamakan putra daerah yang mampu menguasai bahasa daerah dan mengenal dengan baik komunitas setempat

Persyaratan Umum:
  • Pria /Wanita, pendidikan minimal D3/S1, IPK minimal : 2,75
  • Usia maksimal 27 tahun


Sumatera Utara
Binjai,  Deli  Serdang,  Langkat,  Medan,  P.  Siantar,  R.  Prapat,  Serdang Bedagai, T. Tinggi, Balige, Sibolga, P. Sidempuan

Sumatra Barat

Batu Sangkar, Bukit Tinggi, Lubuk Alung, Padang, Payakumbuh, Solok, Koto Baru, Simpang Empat Pasaman

Air Molek, Bagan Batu, Bengkalis, Dumai, Duri, Kandis, Pangkalan Kerinci, Pekanbaru, Taluk Kuantan, Ujung Batu

Apabila Anda benar-benar berminat untuk Indonesia Vacancy ini, tolong kirimkan  surat  lamaran  dan  CV  lengkap  anda  beserta  copy  KTP  dan  Foto  4  x  6  (1  lembar)  dan  cantumkan  kode  posisi  dan  lokasi penempatan di sudut kanan atas pada amplop lamaran ke alamat:

HR Mikro Laju Sumbagut PT. Bank CIMB Niaga, Tbk. Jl. Gatot Subroto No.188 B. Lt. 2 Medan

Job Indonesia - GALVA TECHNOLOGIES, PT Offer You a Career as IT Staff


Galva is founded since September 1946. GALVA TECHNOLOGIES, PT  is a leading technology company which is focused around the multimedia technology, the integration of sound, vision, data and telecommunication. GALVA TECHNOLOGIES, PT offer you a Career, as:

IT Staff

After passing through the stages of probation (3 months) and contract (1 year), will be appointed as permanent employees and will receive a bonus of 50-10 times a year basic salary.

The Requairements are:

     * Minimum 2 years experience as IT Staff.
     * Male max 30 years old.
     * S1 Informatics.
     * Mastering Windows Server 2008, Linux, Active Directory and MS SQL server 2008 or
     * CCNA & Linux Certified.

If you're interest for this Job Indonesia, please send your complete CV+latest picture, to:

Job - Lowongan Kerja Indonesia Sebagai Designer di Tawarkan Oleh MODERN PUTRA INDONESIA, PT


MODERN PUTRA INDONESIA, PT adalah Perusahaan Retail (7-Eleven) yang bergerak di bidang Fresh Food dan sedang mengembangkan retailnya diseluruh Indonesia, MODERN PUTRA INDONESIA, PT membutuhkan kandidat berdedikasi tinggi untuk mengikuti pesatnya pertumbuhan bisnis, Lowongan Kerja Indonesia yang ditawarkan untuk Anda yaitu sebagai:






Bagi anda yang berminat kirim CV, surat lamaran beserta contoh design karya anda ke :
Jalan Matraman raya no. 12 Jaktim 13150 (dengan menulis posisi yang dilamar)
atau email ke :

Job Indonesia - Dexa Medica, PT offer you a challenge to have a Career, as: Human Resources Officer - HRO

Wednesday, February 16, 2011 0 comments

Dexa Medica group is one of the biggest pharmaceuticals companies group in Indonesia, and we are growing very fast to be the best. In Dexa Medica, we put the right people in the right place based on his/her passion and competency. Dexa applies a competency based human resources management approach. Dexa Medica, PT offer you a challenge to have a Job Indonesia, as:

Human Resources Officer - HRO

If you:

* Are an energetic and dynamic person
* Getting along with new people easily, have good communication skill and a team player
* Are self starters, quick learner, hard Worker and have good initiative
* Always want to strive for excellence, act professionally and deal with care

And you are:

* Not older than 27 years
* A bachelor degree from any majors of a reputable university (Psychology, Law, Industrial Engineering would be beneficial)
* Experience in recruitment and selection process (would be beneficial)
* Computer literate (MS Office)

You are welcome to join us as part of our growing team as an HR OFFICER, and convince us why you think you are the right person !!!

Then please send us your latest CV and picture, to:

(Please write "HRO" in the subject of your email)

Indonesia Vacancy - EMERIO INDONESIA, PT is Looking For Young and Experienced Professional to Have an Indonesia Vacancy For Position as RECRUITMENT SPECIALIST


Emerio Corporation is a rapidly growing global consulting and IT services company headquartered in Singapore ( with its focus on Business Intelligence, Infrastructure Solutions, Managed Services, Professional Services, and Software Services. 

EMERIO INDONESIA, PT is looking for young and experienced professional to have an Indonesia Vacancy for position, as:


The Requairements are:

  • Bachelor degree in any discipline from reputable university
  • Minimum of 3 years experience in recruitment area
  • Strong in recruitment best practice and has exposure as a Recruitment Consultant in Head Hunter Company would be a strong benefit
  • Experience in handling recruitment for IT (Information Technology) positions and familiar with IT Software knowledge.
  • Has a high energy level, passion for recruitment, a strong interest in people and is ambitious.
  • Able to Work independently as well as working in a team with excellent interpersonal, and communication skill (in both English and Indonesian)
  • Able to build relationship with people at all levels and confident dealing with Senior level Executives
  • Good command of English both in oral and written is a must

If you're really have capable with this Job Indonesia, please apply here:

Kamu Ingin Memiliki Career Sebagai Staff Bank BNI Syariah? PT. Duta Amanah Insani Menawarkan Kamu, Check For More !


PT. Duta Amanah Insani adalah perusahaan berwawasan bisnis global yang tumbuh dan berkembang dengan membangun integritas perusahaan yang amanah melalui komitmen manajemen yang bersih, transparan, dan akuntabel. Berpegang pada tiga prinsip kunci yaitu Trust (Kepercayaan), Power (Kekuatan), dan Harmony (Keselarasan), kami berupaya untuk senantiasa menjadi yang terbaik dan terdepan.

Dengan didukung oleh sumber daya manusia yang handal dan kompeten, PT. Duta Amanah Insani telah melakukan akselerasi yang cukup luas dan bermitra dengan berbagai lembaga dan perusahaan secara nasional. Mitra-mitra kami meliputi perbankan syariah, perbankan konvensional, BUMN, perusahaan swasta nasional dan multinasional, serta berbagai instansi lainnya.

PT. Duta Amanah Insani telah memiliki kantor cabang yang tersebar di 18 kota besar yaitu Medan, Pekan Baru, Batam, Padang, Palembang, Lampung, Jakarta, Bogor, Bandung, Yogyakarta,Solo, Semarang, Surabaya, Bali, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Makassar, dan Manado. Cabang-cabang baru akan segera dibuka di beberapa kota yang lain. PT. Duta Amanah Insani menawarkan kamu utk memiliki Career sebagai:

Staff Bank BNI Syariah

Persyaratan Marketing BNI Syariah :
1.  Minimal D3
2.  Usia maksimal 35 tahun
3. Pria dan Wanita
4. Pengalaman di bidang Perbankan, terutama sebagai Marketing Lending, Funding, KPR minimal 1 tahun
5. Mampu mencapai target perusahaan, mempunyai segmen market, disiplin, Hard Worker, jujur, tanggung jawab, religius.
6. Penempatan di Kantor Cabang BNI Syariah di seluruh Indonesia.

Kamu dapat mengirim kan Lamaran kerja dan Curriculum Vitae (CV), melalui:

Email  :
Dikirim Via POS : Gedung Sakura Lt.3 Jl.Hati Suci No.4, Kampung Bali, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat, 10250. Kepada HRM PT. DAI

Indonesia Vacancy - FLUIDA INTEGRASI SISTEM, PT Invite Suitable Candidates To Have a Career as Human Resource Executive

Tuesday, February 15, 2011 0 comments

FLUIDA INTEGRASI SISTEM, PT is a Well establish regional distributor of the highest quality Industrial Valves & Fittings, would invite suitable candidates to have a Career, as:

Human Resource Executive

Based in: Jakarta
Reporting to: Singapore (HQ), HR
Job Function: Responsible for HR strategic and day to day HR functions

  • Handle full spectrum of HR, including recruitment and selection of associates, HR administration, training
  • Work with department heads in establishing strategic objectives and determining core competencies
  • Identify human resource capabilities required to fulfill objectives
  • Conduct associates orientation, employee grievances, exit interviews
  • Work closely with line managers and providing associates with advice on questions or problems relating to human resource
  • Provide HR support to Singapore, HR

The Requirements are:
  • Diploma in HRM / Business
  • 2 years of Human Resource generalist experience
  • Good knowledge of Employment Act, legislations & policies
  • Proficiency in MS Office
  • Good communication & interpersonal skills
  • Highly committed, resourceful & ability to work in a fast moving environment
  • Able to commence Work in short notice / immediately advantageous
  • Salary is depending on qualification & related experience
  • 5 day Work Week
  • Willing to travel

If you're really interest for this Indonesia Vacancy, please send your latest Application Letter and complete CV, contact number, and photograph to:
PT. Fluida Integrasi Sistem

PT. Artha Persada Raya Menawarkan Anda Lowongan Kerja Indonesia Sebagai Product - Graphic Designer


PT. Artha Persada Raya adalah perusahaan design yang sedang berkembang. Pada kesempatan kali ini PT. Artha Persada Raya menawarkan  Anda  Lowongan Kerja Indonesia, posisi sebagai: 



  • Pria / Wanita, usia 20-30 tahun
  • Memiliki special interest di dunia Design
  • Pendidikan D1-D3 / S1 Graphic Design / Product Design yang memiliki kemampuan dan kreatifitas Kerja tinggi. (Fresh graduates are welcome to apply)
  • Dapat menggunakan program Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator  
  • (Merupakan suatu nilai tambah apabila dapat menguasai program komputer grafis lainnya).
  • Membuat desain untuk graphic produk, membuat media advertising seperti iklan-iklan promo, spanduk, flyer, banner, billboard dan lain sebagainya.
  • Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik dan dapat bekerja didalam team maupun secara individu.

Apabila anda merasa memenuhi syarat – syarat tersebut diatas, mohon segera mengirimkan CV beserta foto terbaru dan contoh DESAIN PORTFOLIO yang pernah dikerjakan ke :
PO BOX 2949 JKP 10029
atau kirimkan melalui email ke :

Job Indonesia - Lion Wings, PT Offer You a Career as Promotion

Sunday, February 13, 2011 0 comments

Lion Wings, PT was established in 1891, Lion corporation is committed to meeting the everyday needs and enriched the lives of people everywhere. Product innovation to offer maximum value is actively pursued to anticipate the aspirations of Lion Wings, PT consumers. Lion Wings, PT offered you a Career, as: Promotion

if you're really have interest, please read about the requirements carefully:

The Requirements are:
     * Male / Female, Single, maximum age 30 years
     * Minimum education D3/S1
     * Have the ability Communication and Negotiation
     * Has a high Work motivation
     * Thorough, nimble, active, and can Work under pressure
     * Willing to Work outside the city
     * Ability to Work as a team, able to Work under pressure, thorough

If you're have an interested and feel capable for this Job Indonesia, please send your complete CV + latest picture, to:


Jl. Inspeksi Cakung Drain Timur No. 1
Jakarta Timur – 13910

*And if you are looking for another position, please click: Lowongan Kerja Indonesia

Job - PT. ADI CARAKA TIRTA CONTAINERLINE is Also Seeking For Dynamic And Energetic Candidates To Be Located in Bogor And Fill To The Following Position: Customer Service (Bogor)

Friday, February 11, 2011 0 comments

PT. ADI CARAKA TIRTA CONTAINERLINE a growing International Freight Forwarder requires preferable positions from fresh graduates who have commitment to improve as a hard Worker, have trusted integrity and able to Work as team. PT. ADI CARAKA TIRTA CONTAINERLINE  is also seeking for dynamic and energetic candidates to be located in  Bogor and fill to the following position:  

Customer Service (Bogor)

The Requirements are:
  • Min. D3 from any discipline / major
  • Female age between 20 – 28 years old
  • High Motivation
  • Have a good communication in English, both oral and written
  • Good communication skill
  • Good service attitude
  • Good looking and pleasant personality

If you are have all the requirements for this Job opportunity, please send only your complete CV+latest picture, to:

HR Departement:
Setiajaya Building Lt. 3 No. 9
Jl. Raya Pajajaran No. 23 bogor

Atau e-mail:

Job Indonesia - PT Elnusa Tbk is Currently Seeking for Highly Qualified Candidates To have a Career as The Following Position: Legal Counsel

Thursday, February 10, 2011 0 comments

PT Elnusa Tbk, a national pride world class company for total solution in Upstream Oil and Gas Services. PT Elnusa Tbk is currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to have a Career as the following position: Legal Counsel

The Requirements are:

  1. Male, 28 - 35 years old.
  2. Min S1/S2 graduated, Background study Law from any reputable university (GPA min. 2.75 scale of 4)
  3. Having min.5 years Work experience as a Legal (will be advantage in oil & Gas Industry)
  4. Computer literate (MS Office & Internet).
  5. Negotiation skills, presentation & management skills
  6. Capable to conduct participation as team member
  7. Able to Work independently with minimum supervision
  8. Fluent in English, computer skills
How's about all the requirements for that Job Indonesia, guys? Do you have all of that requirements? If you're sure that you have, so please your complete CV+latest picture no later than March 31, 2011, to: